Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement for Palestinian rights
Stop Putin - Stop War in Ukraine

General Data Centre Info

Located within various Data Centers, they utilize all the services and protection offered within the facilities - FM-200 Fire Suppression, Multiple UPS Systems, Backup Diesel Generators and 24/7/365 Network Operations staff ensure the safety and reliability of your services and equipment.

Location & Connectivity

At present, our "shared" server (nor single client use server) locations are as follows ...
Server Name Server Location Info
Beresfield Chicago, IL, USA 08 Feb 2013 - Server replaced with more powerful one (as main HDD on old server had bad sectors).
Black Hill Fulshear, TX, USA 19 Jan 2013 - Changed from "Failover" to Cloud.
09 Aug 2013 - Server retired - accounts migrated to Beresfield, Green Hills, Hexam & Maitland.
Green Hills Atlanta, GA, USA 05 Aug 2013 - Server upgraded to more powerful hardware.
Hexam Atlanta, GA, USA 06 Oct 2014 - Server retired - accounts migrated to Beresfield.
Maitland Atlanta, GA, USA 01 Nov 2012 - Newly purchased server came online.
Sandgate Dallas, TX, USA
Tarro Atlanta, GA, USA
Thornton Dallas, TX, USA 10 Jun 2013 - Replaced by newer VPS server.
23 Mar 2014 - Server retired - accounts migrated to upgraded server Maitland.
Woodberry Fulshear, TX, USA 18 Jan 2013 - Changed from "Failover" to Cloud.
09 Aug 2013 - Server retired - accounts migrated to Beresfield, Green Hills, Hexam & Maitland.

We offer fast, reliable connectivity to the internet via multiple OC-12, OC-3 & DS3 connections to over 75 diverse providers.

Our US based Servers are linked to the Internet via fiber-optic connections, that span more than seven diverse backbones and well-known providers including Verio, UUnet, Savvis, Cogent, Sonet and Time Warner making sure your data can be reached, viewed, updated, and accessed with incredible connectivity and network strength.

We upgrade (i.e. replace) our servers roughly every 12,000 hours - sometimes sooner if we get a "deal" from the Data Centre. This lessens the chance of hardware failure and ensures that the server your site is running on gets faster/better over time :-)

Monitoring & Security

All data centers are monitored 24/7 by highly qualified network administrators. The HTTP port is monitored while Ping tests are conducted every 5 minutes to verify that the servers are active.

Our Data Centres incorporate the latest technologies in IDS (Intrusion Detection System) to monitor and protect our networks against malicious attacks.

In addition, our shared hosting servers are protected behind internal firewalls and monitoring software.

Data center security is taken very seriously. All major entry points to the buildings and computer areas require an electronic ID card and security code. The buildings are monitored by cameras and supervised 24 hours per day.

Server Security Software

Our Servers run the following security software:-

Domain Names

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